Podcast Special #2 (Brazilian 70's Prog)

Attention all planets of the Solar Federation! Diego Camargo here Here I am, Diego Camargo once again, but this time with the second Special episode of our Podcast!

Like I said in the first Special episode (listen it HERE), this will be a monthly event. Every first Tuesday of the month a special 2 hours episode will be posted. And the topic will be up to you! A new Pool is on our Side bar during the whole month.
This month the topic is Brazilian 70’s Progressive Rock! It seems that the Brazilian audience is up to date with Progshine! But this option won by just one vote! As you can see it’s important that everyone vote, cause every vote counts!

We had many new content on the website as every week, but today we’ll talk only about the special. So next week we’ll have a lot of links to comment.

Bands commented on this Episode:
- Haddad
Poços & Nuvens
- Trem Do Futuro
- Tempus Fugit

- Sleepwalker Sun
- Ansata
- Andragonia
- Spin XXI
- Tarkus
- Blue Mammoth

Links to other Progshine profiles:

Below you'll find the episode embedded and all the info of what was played and the links to buy the records. Enjoy!

Songs played in this episode:
- Background music: Engenheiros Do Hawaii - A Conquista Do Espaço / from the album Gessinger, Lickz & Maltz (1992)
1. A Barca Do Sol - Vô Mimbora Pro Sertão+Tereza Boca Do Rio+Mercado Das Flores / from the album Pirata (1979) - Buy it here!
2. Som Nosso De Cada Dia - Sinal Da Paranóia / from the album Snegs (1974)  - Buy it here!
3. Saecvla Saecvlorvm - Acqua Vitae / from the album Saecvla Saecvlorvm (1976/1996) - Buy it here!
4. Mutantes - O A E O Z / from the album O A E O Z (1973/1992) - Buy it here!
5. Módulo 1000 - Turpe Est Sine Crine Caput / from the album Não Fale Com Paredes (1971) - Buy it here!
6. A Bolha - 18:30 (Parte 1) / from the album Um Passo A Frente (1973) - Buy it here!
7. Pholhas - Imigrantes / from the album Pholhas (1977) - Buy it here!
8. O Terço - 1974 / from the album Criaturas Da Noite (1975) - Buy it here!
9. Moto Perpétuo - Conto Contigo / from the album Moto Perpétuo (1974) - Buy it here!
10. Ave Sangria - Dois Navegantes / from the album Ave Sangria (1974) - Buy it here!
11. Bacamarte - Último Entardecer / from the album Depois Do Fim (1983) - Buy it here!
12. Casa Das Máquinas - Lar De Maravilhas / from the album Lar De Maravilhas (1975) - Buy it here!
13. Terreno Baldio - Grite / from the album Terreno Baldio (1975) - Buy it here!
14. Som Imaginário - Armina / from the album Matança Do Porco (1973) - Buy it here!
15. Marco Antonio Araujo - Lembranças / from the album Lucas (1984) - Buy it here!

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